There can be multiple factors to Acute and Chronic Neck Pain. Acute Neck Pain is characterized by sudden onset, can range from mild to severe, is usually caused by soft tissue strain and overuse. This condition generally has a less invasive treatment and relief plan. Recovery can begin within 1-2 weeks. Chronic Neck pain is characterized by lasting three months or longer, can range from mild to severe, and can evolve from Acute Neck Pain if not treated timely and properly.
Some common causes of neck pain include:
- Arthritis and other degenerative disorders
- Traumatic injury
- Pinched nerves
- Stenosis
At PriMMed our team of doctors work with you to provide a comprehensive treatment program. We may recommend a combination of interventional methods, controlled medication, physical or occupational therapy and massage to alleviate neck pain.
Contact us today if you feel any of the above symptoms.